Employment information
I create it with us and recruit friends challenging it.
I never compromise and continue pursuing the best result at any time. 
That is our manufacturing.
I make a practice of faithfulness and assume coexistence, mutual prosperity and the happiness of the employee a base of the management.
The company which you can trust to a customer from now on,
I go for continuing being a company with the significance of being for society.
Do you not work with such us? .
It is succeeded to the technique from a senior to a younger student
The mutual prosperity delicate work 
   Mean length of service 15 years 8 months
      There are many employees committing this for a long time.

The technical succession is carried out from a senior for a younger student now.
I interviewed the employee who worked in each department.
The adoption number of people
2023: Three (machine processing, process control, business)
2024: Two (electric design, machine processing)
The number of employees
50 (as of November 18, 2024)
The average age
43.4 years old (as of November 18, 2024) 
Mean length of service
15 years 8 months (as of November 18, 2024)  
The paid acquisition rate
52% (last year)
Person image to seek
Person with the aggressiveness
Japan of these days has various problems including reduction of the economy and the drop of the international competitiveness. I demand people with the aggressiveness that not only I accomplish given work, but also think by oneself and can carry out.
Flexible person
I demand flexible people who can work in deference to an opinion by acceptance, a team in person who varied in the interpretation for sense of values and directionality, a fact and things.
Person with the extroversion
I turn a viewpoint outside and can catch new information and demand people with the extroversion with the global viewpoint to find possibility in new market and business.