Site policy
A sentence, the image used in the website (called our site as follows) of the kyouei-seikou company are provided by kyouei-seikou company, and the purpose of use is limited only to reporting. I consider that you were able to agree to the following Terms of Use by reading our site. When you cannot agree, please refrain from reading of our site.
The information placed in our site is protected by a copyright. I reproduce the whole or part without permission beforehand unless I perform printing and preservation for the purpose of personal use and send individual sentences, images, designs, logo published in our site and forbid distribution, modification, that I remove it surgically.
I go down in the information of our site with extreme caution, but kyouei-seikou company is not anything guaranteeing about the contents such as the contents, data linked to directly or indirectly again from our site. Even if some kind of damage occurred by the use such as data linked to directly or indirectly from our site or our site by any chance, we cannot take all responsibility. In addition, about the contents such as the data of the link cause carried out for our site, it is not anything guaranteeing.
※I change it without a notice or may cancel the items mentioned, the constitution such as the data of our site. Thank you for your understanding.